Morgan Le Fay Alchemy

Heal the echoes of past abuse, with Morgan Le Fay - Dark Goddess of Transformation

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It is time to heal from past experiences, childhood conditioning and human programming, on a cellular level, releasing all that no longer serves you, allowing you to access your divine power and true destiny in the world.

Morgan Le Fay Alchemy helps you transcend into a new state of being by altering your neurological, biochemical and energetic state through your Alchemy Chakra System.

Reclaim your power!!

Morgan Le Fay Alchemy focuses on releasing, transforming and transmuting any lower vibrational effects remaining in your mind, body and energy system, from past narcasistic abuse that you have experienced, which is holding you back in your business. 

Heal survivor programming

Reclaim your power!!

An ascension healing session focuses on releasing, transforming and transmuting any lower vibrational effects remaining in your mind, body and energy system, from the trauma you have experienced.

Negative experiences create negative responses. If negative experiences happen repeatedly this hardwires negative subconscious thought patterns into your brain, creating limiting beliefs and reactive behaviours.

Trauma can leave you stuck in the fight or flight response. You may suffer with high anxiety and live in a state of high alert. This impacts terribly upon your mental, emotional and physical health.

Being stuck in grief, fear, anxiety, depression, overwhelm, low self-esteem, self-doubt for long periods of time is caused by lack of connection to the Divine pure source love energy. If you are stuck in, or you are easily triggered into, a state of grief, fear, anxiety, self-doubt or overwhelm, you need to reclaim your sovereignty now!

It is time to heal from past experiences, childhood conditioning and human programming, on a cellular level, releasing all that no longer serves you, allowing you to access your divine power and true destiny in the world.

Ascension Healing helps you transcend into a new state of being by altering your neurological, biochemical and energetic state through your Ascension Healing Chakra System.

What resurfaces during your spiritual development journey

Not questioning things

Putting Teachers and Gurus on a pedastal

Not trusting in your self and your intuition

Struggle to surrender deeply during connection or meditation

Root cause of this subconscious thought pattern

Used to being told what to think or not allowed an opinion

Low self-esteem and feeling unworthy

Lacking in confidence and self-belief

Constantly on high alert in fight or flight

Living in sovereignty is being in your vortex, living in flow. Everything happens with ease. Life feels good. You feel energised! Your mind is clear and focused. Your emotions are calm and balanced. You fully trust in your intuition and you are a fast action taker. You are creating a wonderful reality all around you!


How does the healing work?

During an Ascension Healing Session I channel pure Golden source light energies through your ascension healing chakra system, working in each chakra to uncover and release lower vibrations, emotions, thought and behaviour patterns, heal the chakra / endocrine system correlation and balance your divine feminine and divine masculine energies to bring about a state of homeostasis.


Areas of focus:

Limbic System - including the Autonomic Nervous System,

Fight or Flight Response

and Endocrine System

Clear non physical entity attatchments

Cord Cutting between you and narcisist energy vampires

Balance the energy system through the chakras

Open the heart chakra

Balance divine masculine and divine feminine, Crysto Sophia energies